Cleaning, repair and removal of particulate filters in Riga

According to the requirements of European and North American environmental standards, modern cars must be equipped without fail with additional means of exhaust gas purification. And just a particulate filter is one such measure used in vehicles with a diesel engine.

As for the design of the particulate filter itself, it is quite simple and is a cleaning element placed in a metal cylinder. In addition, the device of particulate filters includes sensors for monitoring their operation.

Deterioration of the particulate filter and possible consequences

Decrease in the efficiency of the diesel particulate filter can occur for various reasons. This may be due to both the use of low-quality fuel and an aggressive driving mode for the soot (for example, urban conditions). The consequence of the second of these cases is insufficient heating of the exhaust gases, which leads to incomplete combustion of carbon particles. If the temperature is less than 600 degrees, soot deposits are simply unable to re-ignite.

The functioning of a diesel power unit with a faulty particulate filter does not bode well. The least that follows from this is the loss of the very meaning of using a soot plant, since untreated exhaust gases will be released into the atmosphere. This phenomenon does not allow us to talk about compliance with any environmental standards.

In addition to the above, the owner of a car with an inoperative diesel particulate filter will have to realize that fuel consumption has increased significantly, and the engine itself has lost its previous dynamic characteristics. With a significantly increased regeneration time, the motor will work with insufficient output or even in emergency mode.

Cleaning the particulate filter in Riga

As soon as there are problems with the functioning of the particulate filter on your car, this is not at all a reason for its immediate removal - perhaps appropriate cleaning and repair will be enough. To wash the soot, our specialists use special cleaning compounds. However, it is very difficult to perform this procedure in an ordinary garage, due to the certain complexity of the process, which consists of a number of stages:

  1. Having dismantled the particulate filter, we “muffle” one of its through holes;
  2. Next, specialists fill the filter container with a cleaning composition, moreover, it is important to fill the entire inside of the device, without the formation of air pockets;
  3. In the liquid-filled state, the filter is kept for 12 hours with occasional shaking;
  4. After the specified period of time, the specialists release the soot passage holes and connect warm water under high pressure for washing;
  5. Once the rinsing process is completed, the filter is allowed to dry (or accelerated by blowing with compressed air) and replaced.

Compared to replacing the particulate filter, restoring it to working condition is much cheaper. The only drawback is the duration of the process.

Physical and software removal of the particulate filter

If your car's particulate filter is beyond repair, all that remains is to replace it or remove it completely. Few people recommend the first method, due to the fact that the new device is relatively expensive, and its durable operation cannot be guaranteed, especially when driving in urban conditions. Therefore, in most cases, if the sazhevik is out of order, experts resort to its physical and software removal.

If you choose to physically remove the particulate filter only, it will only solve the problem halfway, because the electronics will still give an error and the engine will start to work in emergency mode. Knowing this feature of modern on-board automotive systems, our craftsmen, using specialized equipment, replace the firmware of the engine controller, due to which the particulate filter is removed at the software level. However, this procedure has one important requirement - highly qualified specialists, such as the masters of our car service, must carry out the removal of the soot.

If the particulate filter on your car is out of order, but you do not intend to spend extra money on replacing it, use the services of our car service specialists in Minsk. We will clean, repair and remove the diesel engine exhaust gas cleaning device as efficiently and quickly as possible.

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